3 Hawaii Medicaid Waiver
What Programs Are Available To Assist People With Disabilities in Hawaii?

Is there a Medicaid waiver program in Hawaii? The Medicaid waiver program is Hawaii is called DD/MR.

What state department handles the Medicaid waiver program? The Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Division handles the Hawaii med Waiver.

What programs assist people who have developmental disabilities? Home and Community Based Services; Long Term Adult Supports & Resources; and Family Support Services Program assist persons with disabilities in Hawaii.

What is the best number to call to get started?
To schedule an intake appointment Call:
Oahu - (808) 733-1689
Hilo - (808) 974-4280
Kauai - (808) 241-3406
Kona - (808) 332-1906
Maui - (808) 243-4625
Molokai - (808) 553-3200
Waimea - (808) 887-6064

Is there a website? https://health.hawaii.gov/

Who Qualifies For Assistance?

A developmental disability is a severe chronic disability which:

  1. Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
  2. Is manifested before age twenty-two;
  3. Is likely to continue indefinitely;
  4. Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more areas of major life activities: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, self-direction, capacity for independent living, economic sufficiency; and
  5. Reflects the need for a combination and sequence of special interdisciplinary or generic care, treatment, or other services, which are life long, or of extended duration and individually planned and coordinated.

Mental Retardation (MR): This refers to a person with significant subaverage general intellectual functioning with moderate adaptive functioning and manifested before the age of eighteen.

Are there income limits to receive services? Individuals who are Medicaid eligible, can apply for these Medicaid funded services.

How old do you have to be to start receiving services?

Is There a Waiting List For Services?

How long is the waiting list? Hawaii does not have a waiting list for it's Medicaid waiver program.


What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?

What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer in Hawaii? Hawaii's Medicaid waiver program provides case management, habilitation, supported employment, adult day health, respite, personal assistance, skilled nursing, transportation, interdisciplinary team services, home mods, consumer directed community living supports, modify the definition of specialized services and environmental access adaptations to MR/DD individuals.

What services are available to people living in the family home in Hawaii? Respite, adult day health, chore, and transportation are services that may be offered to people who live in the family home.

Does Hawaii offer community group homes? Hawaii offers Residential Habilitation aka ‘RES HAB’ A service provided in a certified or licensed home for individuals with developmental disabilities. The service consists of supports over and beyond the room, board and supervision covered by SSI and SSP, commonly referred to as Level of Care or domiciliary care payment. It consists of supports to increase an individual’s ability to be more independent in daily life.

Does this state offer supported living? Hawaii offers Personal Assistance/Habilitation aka ’PAB’ A range of assistance or training to enable program PARTICIPANTS to: meet outcomes/goals of increasing independence, develop natural supports, learn skills, develop relationships, contribute to community through employment/volunteering/participation, and cover some of the associated costs.

Are there still state owned institutions? There are no state institutions to seclude those with developmental disabilities.

How Do You Select A Provider?

About how many providers are there in the state? There are 57 Medicaid waiver provider agencies in Hawaii.

Additional Information

Hawaii Waiver Provider Association: https://www.hwpa.net/

HI Providers

Hawaii Providers


Goodwill Hawaii (808) 836-0313
Serving Hawaii
Provides job placement, career development, education, training, employment and support services.

Arc of Kona 1-877-347-3257
Serving Hawaii
We offer a variety of programs to choose from. There is some support available for any level of need or preference.