- What Programs Are Available To Assist People With Disabilities in Oklahoma?
Is there a Medicaid waiver program in Oklahoma? Oklahoma has several waivers including:
- Advantage Waiver;
- Community;
- Home Bound;
- In-Home Supports Waiver for Children;
- In-Home Supports Waiver for Adults;
- Medically Fragile;
- My Life My Choice;
- Sooner Services;
- Seniors and People with Disabilities
What state department handles the Medicaid waiver program in Ohio? The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (OKDHS) offers programs, services and resources to persons with disabilities.
What programs assist people who have developmental disabilities in Oklahoma? The following waivers provide services to persons with disabilities in Oklahoma: In-Home Supports Waiver; Community Waiver; and Home Bound Waiver.
What is the best number to call to get started? For more information about developmental disabilities or available services, contact DDSD at (405) 521-3571 or toll free (866) 521-3571.
Is there a website? http://www.okdhs.org/programsandservices
- Who Qualifies For Assistance?
What is considered a developmental disability in Oklahoma? According to the Developmental Disabilities Act (Pub.L.106-402), the term developmental disability means a severe, chronic disability that: is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of those impairments; occurs before the individual reaches age 22; is likely to continue indefinitely; results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: (i) self care, (ii) receptive and expressive language, (iii) learning, (iv) mobility, (v) self-direction, (vi) capacity for independent living, and (vii) economic self-sufficiency; and reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other forms of assistance that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.
Are there income limits to receive services in Oklahoma? Services provided through a HCBS Waiver are available to Oklahoma residents who meet SoonerCare financial eligibility requirements, which currently limit monthly countable income to $2,130, and a resource limit of $2,000 (only the individuals income and resources are counted).
How old do you have to be to start receiving services in Oklahoma? You must be three years of age or older to qualify for most waiver services. To receive services under the Homeword Bound waiver you must be 18 or older.
- Is There a Waiting List For Services?
How long is the waiting list for waiver services in Oklahoma? You can expect to wait about 8 years before getting waiver services in Oklahoma.
How many people are on the waiting list in Oklahoma? There are 7,064 people on the waiting list in Oklahoma.
How many people are currently receiving waiver services in Oklahoma? There are currently over 5,000 people receiving Medicaid waiver services in Oklahoma.
What assistance is available while you wait? Family Support Assistance payments - This is a cash payment program for families who are caring for children under age 18 at home. In this program, families can receive payments of $250-$400 per month depending on the number of children with disabilities in the home. Families who meet the income eligibility may choose this State-funded cash payment in lieu of Medicaid Home and Community-Based services. There are currently 1,983 children served under this program. You can not receive both Home and Community-Based Waiver Services and Family Support Assistance payments at the same time.
Is there priority preference for people who are in crisis? No, people are served in the order they filled out the application. Those waiting the longest get services first.
- What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?
What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer in Oklahoma? Community-Based Waiver Services Available include: Adult Day Services; Intensive Personal Supports; Agency Companion; Nutrition; Architectural Modification; Occupational Therapy; Assistive Technology; Physical Therapy; Audiology; Physician Services (provided by a psychiatrist); Community Transition Service;s Prescribed Drug;s Daily Living Supports; Prevocationa;l Dental; Psychological; Family Counseling; Respite Care; Family Training; Specialized Foster Care; Group Home; Specialized Medical Supplies; Habilitation Training Specialist; Speech Therapy; Home Health Care; Supported Employment; Homemaker; and Transportation
Does Oklahoma offer community group homes? Yes. Group Homes offer living arrangements for 6 to 12 people who share a home and receive up to 24 hours per day of supervision, support, and training in daily living skills. Group Home residents are 18 years of age or older. Group Homes are single-family homes located in the community close to other services and activities. The home is owned or leased by a private agency. The agency receives reimbursement from Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) for supervising and supporting the residents of the home.
Does Oklahoma offer supported living? Yes.
Are there still state owned institutions in Oklahoma? Oklahoma has two large state facilities. There are 243 individuals who reside at NORCE and SORC and 43 at the Greer Center.
- How Do You Select A Provider?
Do providers work for the state? No, providers are not state employees. Services are provided by agencies or individuals who have entered into contract agreements with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority.
About how many Medicaid waiver providers are there in Oklahoma? There are about 150 Medicaid Waiver providers in Oklahoma.
Do you have a choice in providers? Yes, you select your own providers.
- How Do You Become A Provider?
For information about becoming a Medicaid waiver provider in Oklahoma, call Provider Services at (800) 522-0114.
- Additional Information
SoonerCare operates eight programs to provide home and community care as a cost-effective alternative to institutionalization. These are known as "waiver" programs
SoonerCare (Oklahoma Medicaid) is a health coverage program jointly funded by the federal and state government. This program helps pay some or all medical bills for many people who can't afford them. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) is the state agency that administers the program and determines financial eligibility for the program.
A waiver is a funding mechanism which allows the state to offer community-based services as an alternative to institutional services. The term waiver specifically refers to two elements of home and community-based services: First, the state applies to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a special waiver or a special allowance from the services typically included in the State Medicaid Plan. This waiver allows the state to use Medicaid funds to provide alternative community supports for a targeted population who is at risk for institutionalization. Second, the individuals served waive the institutional services for which they are eligible in order to receive community-based supports.