What Programs Are Available To Assist People With Disabilities in Indiana?

Is there a Medicaid waiver program in Indiana? Indiana has several waivers including:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury;
  • Aged and Disabled;
  • Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver (CIH), Formerly Developmental Disabilities Waiver and Autism Waiver;
  • Family Supports Waiver (FSW), Formerly Support Services Waiver

What state department handles the Medicaid waiver program? Family & Social Services Administration, Division of Disability & Rehabilitative Services

What programs assist people who have developmental disabilities? Division of Disability & Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) oversees two waiver programs: The Family Supports Waiver and the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver.

What is the best number to call to get started?
For more information about the Indiana Medicaid waiver program call (877) 218-3530.
The first step is to apply for Medicaid once you have an Indiana residence.
You may apply online at or in person at a local office, or call 1-800-403-0864 to request an application be mailed to you.

Is there a website? www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs

Who Qualifies For Assistance?

What is considered a developmental disability? Per Indiana Code [IC 12-7-2-61], “Developmental Disability" means a severe, chronic disability of an individual that meets all of the following conditions: Is attributable to: intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or autism; or any other condition (other than a sole diagnosis of mental illness) found to be closely related to intellectual disability, because this condition results in similar impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior or requires treatment or services similar to those required for a person with an intellectual disability. Is manifested before the individual is twenty-two (22) years of age. Is likely to continue indefinitely. Results in substantial functional limitations in at least three (3) of the following areas of major life activities: Self-care; Understanding and use of language; Learning; Mobility; Self-direction; Capacity for independent living;Economic self-sufficiency.

To receive a Medicaid Waiver you must meet both the criteria for a developmental disability and ICF/ID-DD level of care. The criteria for a developmental disability is defined in state law and means that a qualifying developmental disability is evident and that it was diagnosed by a medical doctor prior to age 22. ICF/ID-DD Level of Care means that an individual qualifies as deficient in at three of the functional limitations designated in the Code of Federal Regulations.

Are there income limits to receive services? There are income limits to get Medicaid waiver services. However, they do not count the parents' income for minors receiving waiver services.

How old do you have to be to start receiving services? You can start getting Medicaid waiver services at age five.

Is There a Waiting List For Services?

How long is the waiting list? You can expect to wait at least five years before getting Medicaid waiver services in Indiana.

How many people are on the waiting list? There are almost 13,000 people waiting for Medicaid waiver services in Indiana. (unduplicated total)

How many people are currently receiving services? 13,000

What assistance is available while you wait? Utilize Medicaid State Plan Services, if eligible. Apply for caregiver supports (respite), as they are available.

Also, The Indiana Parent Information Network (IPIN) 1-800-964-IPIN Provides information, education, and peer support to families of individuals with special needs. Parents help other parents locate resources to answer questions about disabilities, and related laws and services. Also available through IPIN is a directory of information and support groups in Indiana for people with disabilities and chronic illness and their families.

Is there priority preference for people who are in crisis? There is priority preference for people in Emergency Situations: Loss of primary caregiver; Caregivers over the age of 80; Evidence of abuse or neglect in current institutional or home placement; Extraordinary health & safety risk

What Services Are Offered & What Are The Service Limitations?

What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer? Services offered include: adult day services; behavior management; case management; Community Habilitation; Electronic Monitoring; Environmental Modification; Equipment; Facility Based Support; Facility Habilitation; Family & Caregiver Training; Intensive Behavioral Intervention; Music Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Participant Assistance and Care; Personal Response System; Physical Therapy;Pre-Vocational; Psychological Therapy; Recreational Therapy; Rent & Food for Unrelated Live-In Caregiver; Residential Habilitation Services; Respite Nursing Care; Specialized Medical Equip/Supply; Speech Therapy; Structured Family Caregiving; Supported Employment; Transportation; Vehicle Modification; and Workplace Assistance.

What services are available to people living in the family home? The Family Supports Waiver is the new first point of entry into the Medicaid Waiver system in Indiana. This waiver has a cap of $16,250.

Does Indian offer community group homes? Indiana offers group homes and waiver homes. A group home is considered a small institutionally based long term care facility that provides services for 4 or more individuals living in the same home. The group home provider may work with a limited number of other providers to deliver your services. A waiver home is your family home, a home with housemates, or your own home. You have greater choice in which providers deliver your services. Both, however, are considered placements within the community setting.

Does this state offer supported living? Indiana offers support for persons with disabilities to live in their own home.

Are there still state owned institutions in Indiana? all state institutions for people with developmental disabilities in Indiana have closed, and former residents have transitioned successfully to small, community based programs.

How Do You Select A Provider?

Do providers work for the state? No, Indiana providers do not work for the state.

About how many providers are there in the state of Indiana? There are hundreds of Medicaid waiver providers in the state of Indiana.

Do you have a choice in providers? When you get onto the waiver, you will be assigned a Transition Manager. Then, you will be given a few options for case managers and will need to interview and select a permanent case manager to work with. Your case manger will help you select a provider. A list of approved waiver providers for each county is available through your case manager.

How Do You Become A Provider?

Is There A Fee? No

DDRS no longer holds New Provider Orientation Sessions; enrollment is now open year around. All components of the New Provider Proposal Packet must be completed in order for an application to be considered. If any portion of the packet is incomplete, the proposal will be denied.

An agency/individual may submit BDDS provider application proposals for approval up to three (3) times within a twelve (12) month timeframe. If the third and final proposal is also denied, twelve (12) full months must pass from the date of the last proposal submission before a new proposal will be accepted.

Proposals should be submitted to:
Director of Provider Relations
DDRS - Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services
402 W. Washington St., RM 453, MS 18
Indianapolis, IN 46207

Additional Information

CMS requires that a HCBS waiver member exhaust all services on the State Plan before utilizing HCBS waiver services. HCBS waiver programs are considered funding of last resort and have a closed funding stream.

Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) Waiver CIH is a combination of the Autism and the Developmental Disability Waivers and provides services that enable persons to remain in their homes or in community settings and assists transitions from institutions into community settings. This is a needs-based waiver and is designed to provide supports for persons to gain and maintain optimum levels of independence and community integration while allowing flexibility in the provision of those supports.
Family Supports Waiver (FSW) Formerly the Support Services Waiver, the FSW is designed to provide limited, non-residential supports to persons with developmental disabilities residing with their families, or in other settings with informal supports.

IN Providers

Indiana Providers


Riverview Adult Day Center (574) 293-6886
Serving Indiana
Our goal is to enable disabled and/or impaired adults to remain in their homes and their community.

Golden Gardens Adult Day Center (317) 897-8555
Serving Indiana
Provides Adult Day Center and Transportation services.